We arrived at the hospital right before 10:00AM on Friday, July 11, 2008 to meet you. Daddy dropped us off and I was a pile of nerves walking through the doors. Of course, your big brother said the funniest thing. He said, "Mom I am so thankful to be here at this beautiful hospital why don't we take a picture while we wait on Daddy."
We got admitted and prep quickly began. Luke was enjoying watching SpongeBob with Daddy while I got blood drawn and an IV started. I looked at the clock and it was 10:41AM. My nurse, Karen, was great and we'd already met previously in L&D. She came in and said Dr.H called and it would be closer to 12:30 before we began. More nerves from me!
Papa, Noni, and BepBep came in about 11:00 and brought cool toys for Luke to play with. I enjoyed watching him play and I was a little sad thinking how I would miss him seeing you for the first time. Daddy had another camera lesson and he passed- I was entrusting the memories of your birth with him. Aunt Sandy came also and I loved everyone being in my room making me laugh and taking my mind off of what was to come.
The next part was the epidural getting started. Dr. Dalby was a nice funny guy and I was ok with him doing this but the past has a way of repeating itself and this was no different. It didn't go well. It hurt and took several tries to get a good line. In no time, I felt terribly nauseated and like I was going to faint. Medicine was quickly administered and I was glad Daddy was by my side. I was scared and it hadn't even started. I remember thinking if Dr. H would just get there it would be okay. He showed up with his nurse Jane and after a little joking around and a quick prayer we were headed to the OR. Daddy looked great in his scrubs. I was a little upset because I didn't get to say bye to Luke. They said he could come back in but with me getting so sick there was no time. I held Daddy's hand and said one last silent prayer for us.
In the OR, it was chaos. People moving about, Mommy naked on a hard table. Mommy got really sick and Dr.H ran in there and told me they were giving me some medicine to get my blood pressure up. I've never felt worse in my life and it seemed like an eternity before Daddy got to come in. Once Daddy got there, things moved quickly. I remember the pain and I remember squeezing Daddy's hand as hard as I could. The next words I remember were, "I'm gonna have to pull this kid out by the head on her hair." That was a joyous moment- you had hair and I was thrilled. Everyone was saying you were beautiful. Dr. H showed you to me and I was in love. Daddy and I discussed how big you were but the nurse said you were around 6 lbs, much smaller than we'd thought. It was as if time stopped while Daddy brought you over to meet me. Before I knew it Daddy was carrying you out of the OR and my hysterectomy was beginning. As we were leaving the OR Dr. H said you were 6lbs 10 0z and 18.5 inches long and he proclaimed you "a keeper".
After recovery, I was moved to our room and you were brought in. I was able to see your Big Brother hold you for the first time. I was overcome with gratitude for this day and for my children. I told Luke this was the happiest day of my life and it was. He agreed. I look forward to writing about life through your eyes. I am so grateful that you are now with us and no longer just a distant dream.
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