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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Visit my family here......


Monday, December 14, 2009

What a big girl!

I am growing like a weed. I am so much taller than my bubba was at this age. I am starting to say more and more words. I say: cool, bubba, mama, nana, papa, dada, pawpaw, meme, aniston, ear, eye, nose, hi, okay. Everyone is trying to get me to repeat them. I do have a temper and work hard at keeping everyone on their toes. I love to get into things. I love playing with my bubba! My favorite foods are: chicken nuggets, fries, strawberries, oranges, chips, crackers, lucky charms, eggs, ham, english peas, corn, mac n cheese, popcorn, pineapple, pears, potatoes, sweet potatoes. I like just about everything! I have 9.5 teeth that eye tooth is just about in:)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Updates on Ani

I stay pretty busy lately. I get into everything imaginable and I can certainly defend myself. Actually, I am a troublemaker and I boss my big brother around. I am starting to bite as well. As far as eating goes, Mom and Dad couldn't ask for a better eater. Today I spent the day at ACH have tests run and visiting speech people and Dr.Bauers. It seems my swallow is a little better but I still have to have drinks thickened. Hopefully, in April or May I can go off of that nasty stuff. My ears are doing ok as well. I am in the 75% height and almost 50% in weight- quite a change from my brother. I love playing with my babies and Rudy. I have 8 teeth and I am working on #9! My blankie is still my favorite thing and my paci is a close 2nd.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Barnyard Friends

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Playground Fun

This afternoon after naps Mommy, Daddy, Bubba and I went to a nearby playground for some fun. I enjoyed playing but mostly loved running around. I also enjoyed watching some guys playing basketball. Mom loved that I watched that since she played basketball in elementary, jr high and sr high! I yelled for them and everything. They were actually pretty good. Mom was watching me closely while Daddy played with Bubba because she was scared I would run onto the court. It was a fun afternoon!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mommy caught you.....

I always run and climb onto Mom's bed and it scares her to death. So today she outsmarted me. She got her camera and waited in the laundry room to catch me. This is what she found me doing.....

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Just Pictures

Friday, August 14, 2009

Popsicles= Yummy

13 months old

What I like: Food, My blankie, My passy, and My Bubba.

Words I am saying: Mama, DaDa and sometimes Daddy, bubba, baby, bankie, bit, yummy, Nana, MeMe, Papa. I call Rudy baby and recently all stuffed animals are Coco. I get cuter by the minute. I am still very busy! In these pics I am trying on fall and winter clothes. My mom always does this stuff to me like I am a doll or something.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

What I am up to these days....

Well, I eat all the time and thankfully I love good foods! I will eat just about anything. I babble talk all the time and I still love Bubba the most! Mommy and Daddy enjoy watching us interact and play together. I am pretty tough and have left Bubba with scratches and knots on his head. I like to chase Rudy around and I love my Baby Dolls. I also love balls. I haven't been sleeping too good but Mommy said it is because of my teeth. I am not a big napper but I do go to bed early usually before 8:00. One word Mommy uses to describe me is busy. Also, she is putting a pic of me on here with my most prized possession- blankie. I carry it all over the house and when they can't find it the house is in a state of panic. I am growing tons of hair it is getting so thick that I can't wear my itty bitty bows anymore. Mom is ok with that cause we have lots and lots of bows. Mommy keeps saying that Bubba will be in school soon I don't like the sound of this!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A One Year Old Girl!!

Now that I'm one I think I am big stuff. I will chase the boys and try to do everything that they do. In fact I can actually keep up with them. If they jump in the pool I will try to do the same. I keep everyone on their toes because I am constantly on the move. I have a pretty good schedule. I wake up about 7:00 and play, eat breakfast and take a quick nap around 10:00. I eat lunch at 12:00 then take another short nap around 1:30. I wake up have a snack and play!! I eat dinner around 5:30 have a bath at 6:30 then get in my bed at 7:00. I don't sleep all night because of getting new teeth. I love to eat and play. The things I love are:

String cheese, Rice Milk, mac n cheese, bread, jelly, crackers, graham crackers, marshmallows, squash, cucumbers, and my very fav food is STRAWBERRIES yummy! Life is great for this baby girl. I have no complaints. My Fav person is still my Bubba!

Daddy tried to help the other night when I woke up but I screamed my head off cause only Mommy will do when I am sick or hurt. I love everyone and I am a happy lil girl.

Words I say: Mama, DaDa, Bubba, Nona, PaPa, Baby.

I have brought so much joy to my family during my first year and they love me!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Aniston

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I hear that all day and night because I get into everything from Dog Poop to toilet water. I am a pro at throwing things in the trash or toilet. If you are missing anything look in one of those places. I get into way more than my big brother did that is for sure. I keep Mom busy all day long. Tonight we went to Wal-Mart and the man at the Deli gave me a cup a popcorn chicken because I was hitting the glass saying "eat eat eat". He thought I looked hungry. I get more fun eacha nd every day that is for sure. I walked anywhere now and have pretty much stopped the injured solider crawl. I will say "quack quack when I see a toy duck. I am very tanned and getting chubby.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Do you think Aniston likes Ranch Dressing?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Trouble Trouble here is Ani Poo

I can tear up more stuff and get into more stuff than Luke ever dreamed of. You can't take your eyes off of me that is for sure. Today was no exception. I pulled tons of movies out of the entertainment center-Mom even tried taping them shut and I pulled that off and tried to eat it. I can get into the fridge and open the butter and throw cheese all over the kitchen. Mom said there is a purpose in everything and this is so she gets her exercise. I love my "bubba" and ask for him when I wake up (an hour too early). I want everything that he has and he is so awesome at sharing. It breaks my heart if he walks off from me to play alone. But, most of the time he wants me around.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

11 Months Old

The biggest deal is that I'm walking and getting into everything. I am so cute throwing an AniFit when I fall. Everyone laughs at me and they just don't realize how hard it is walking. I eventually give up and just scoot. You know I never saw the need in crawling I just went from scooting to walking. I eat almost everything.... still love the dog food. I eat manadarin oranges, strawberries, pineapples, french fries and fish sticks. I love to eat. Whenever I get scolded for getting into something I'll look at you and say "hi" and wave at you. My words: Hi, Mama, DaDa, Bubba, Bye, Papa, NaNaNa. I don't like wearing hair bows anymore and I usually take them out. My favorite person is my "Bubba". I also love Rudy but I am mean to him.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A visit from Papa

Now when Papa comes to play I want his attention too. It upsets Luke because when they are playing I will make my way to them and scream till Papa picks me up. I'm big enough to play too ya know. I love pushing Luke's dumptruck into the walls. Papa got a big kick outta that.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Movin Movin Movin on Foot that is.....

I took 4 steps today...... Mom said it wouldn't be long since I've been taking 1-2 for a couple weeks now. Stay tuned for whatever I get into now....lookout world AniPoo is on her way.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Luke's Game

I love going to cheer my brother on. He is a great ball player. However, his games are always during my nap time and today it took all of Luke's fans to keep me happy.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pics of a Princess

Monday, May 11, 2009

TEN Months OLD

I am already 10 months old. We found out a few weeks ago that I have a hearing loss in my right ear but that's ok- I will make up for it in other ways. I enjoy Luke more than anything but coming in a close second is our dog, Rudy. I love my Mommy and Daddy. DaDa is my favorite word. I am starting to say "hi" Nana" and Mama though. For some reason I use "MaMa" when I am in my high chair. I actually spend a lot of time there because I'm a good eater. I've given up on baby food, that didn't last long. I can eat more because I have 2.5 teeth! I love graham crackers, ritz crackers and baby goldfish. I also like diced peas, carrots, apples and pears. I love mac n cheese too! Wow I'm a good eater. I do not like pancakes. I will watch a little Baby einstein from time to time but mostly I am into things. I still eat dog food and I love toilet water to splash my hands in. Oh, Paper-I love paper. I am looking forward to Luke being at home with me for the Summer so we can play. I am standing up on my own and took one step a couple of times. Mom is thinking I'll walk before Luke did. Tune in for more on AniPoo.