? ??????????????Sexy Man? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.9 (286 Ratings)??3 Grabs Today. 20516 Total Grabs. ??????P
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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Updates on Ani

I stay pretty busy lately. I get into everything imaginable and I can certainly defend myself. Actually, I am a troublemaker and I boss my big brother around. I am starting to bite as well. As far as eating goes, Mom and Dad couldn't ask for a better eater. Today I spent the day at ACH have tests run and visiting speech people and Dr.Bauers. It seems my swallow is a little better but I still have to have drinks thickened. Hopefully, in April or May I can go off of that nasty stuff. My ears are doing ok as well. I am in the 75% height and almost 50% in weight- quite a change from my brother. I love playing with my babies and Rudy. I have 8 teeth and I am working on #9! My blankie is still my favorite thing and my paci is a close 2nd.