? ??????????????Sexy Man? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.9 (286 Ratings)??3 Grabs Today. 20516 Total Grabs. ??????P
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Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Hair

is falling out. Mommy says that by looking at my sheet each morning she can't believe that I have any left. I don't mind but this makes Mommy sad. She is afraid that I will lose so much that she can't put a bow in my hair.


Tracie said...

Aniston, don't you worry!! Avery had just as much hair as you did and just as it fell out, more hair came in!!! You'll still be able to wear those bows!! Big kisses!! Tracie

Diana said...

Not to worry, Annipoo. Even if every last strand falls out it'll probably still grow down over your ears before mine ever does.
