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Monday, June 30, 2008

Guess where me and Mommy have been?

At the hospital! We got home a little while ago. We went in for one of our weekly visits and after just a few minutes of discussing things Dr.H decided to admit us. However, after a long and boring day he let us bust out. Thank goodness. Mommy was fine and so was I. He is giving me some steroids to make sure my lungs are well developed just in case. And, all of you that said I wouldn't make it till the 21st are right. I'll be out very soon! Oh, I'm weighing in at a big 6.5 lbs!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Another great visit... sort of

Dr. H scheduled your arrival for July 21st (about 39 weeks). I am not usually one to argue with him but when he said that I said, "no- I want it on the 17th") I shocked him and the nurse because I argued. I almost cried to tell you the truth. I am so ready to meet you and technically you will be offically cooked in about 10 days. But, he said it is better for you to stay in my tummy. You know, six weeks ago I would have given anything to have the opportunity to carry you this long. You are very very wanted and we can't wait to see your face. Speaking of face, you wouldn't turn it around for anything on the ultrasound today. They wanted to give me a picture of it- but no luck. So, your birthday can't be the 17th because Dr.H already has 2 c-sections scheduled. He agreed to the 18th but then the OR was booked. Next week I start seeing him on Mondays in his office and on Thursdays in Labor & Delivery for testing on you. If he has any doubts about anything he'll getcha out sooner-he promised.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Your room is finally finished

and even though I had to do without the perfect canvas for it- it is still beautiful. Here is a video because it will never be this clean again.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Another good visit

with Dr.H today. You seem to be doing really good and he almost let us pick a birthday for you. But, he decided to wait till after your ultrasound next week. Either next week or the week after I will be seeing him 2-3 times a week till you are born. He is being extra careful with you and me both. Right now, I'm doing just swell because I've been taking it easy. I finished buying everything for your room today. Just a few things to hang up and it will be totally ready for you. Keep doing good in there- oh yeah stop growing so much too! Dr.H says you are about 6 lbs right now!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What I've been up too..

just growing like a weed, making Mommy tired, and seeing alot of Dr. Harrison. Things are looking up and he even said that Mommy may go all the way to term with me. Much different news than we heard 4 weeks ago. He also said, I'm much more laid back than my brother was and well, that's a good thing. Mommy told me the other day that she will miss me being in her tummy because this is the only time that she doesn't have to share me with anyone else. She will be glad to see my face too. So will all of you! Keep sending up those prayers for us that we stay healthy and keep praying for our doctor too (he is really good to us). Thank you Noni and Papa for driving Mom and me to all these appointments!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Your Room

Well, no it still isn't finished but we are pretty close. Here are some photos.... starring big brother Luke!