? ??????????????Sexy Man? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.9 (286 Ratings)??3 Grabs Today. 20516 Total Grabs. ??????P
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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Playground Fun

This afternoon after naps Mommy, Daddy, Bubba and I went to a nearby playground for some fun. I enjoyed playing but mostly loved running around. I also enjoyed watching some guys playing basketball. Mom loved that I watched that since she played basketball in elementary, jr high and sr high! I yelled for them and everything. They were actually pretty good. Mom was watching me closely while Daddy played with Bubba because she was scared I would run onto the court. It was a fun afternoon!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mommy caught you.....

I always run and climb onto Mom's bed and it scares her to death. So today she outsmarted me. She got her camera and waited in the laundry room to catch me. This is what she found me doing.....

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Just Pictures

Friday, August 14, 2009

Popsicles= Yummy

13 months old

What I like: Food, My blankie, My passy, and My Bubba.

Words I am saying: Mama, DaDa and sometimes Daddy, bubba, baby, bankie, bit, yummy, Nana, MeMe, Papa. I call Rudy baby and recently all stuffed animals are Coco. I get cuter by the minute. I am still very busy! In these pics I am trying on fall and winter clothes. My mom always does this stuff to me like I am a doll or something.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

What I am up to these days....

Well, I eat all the time and thankfully I love good foods! I will eat just about anything. I babble talk all the time and I still love Bubba the most! Mommy and Daddy enjoy watching us interact and play together. I am pretty tough and have left Bubba with scratches and knots on his head. I like to chase Rudy around and I love my Baby Dolls. I also love balls. I haven't been sleeping too good but Mommy said it is because of my teeth. I am not a big napper but I do go to bed early usually before 8:00. One word Mommy uses to describe me is busy. Also, she is putting a pic of me on here with my most prized possession- blankie. I carry it all over the house and when they can't find it the house is in a state of panic. I am growing tons of hair it is getting so thick that I can't wear my itty bitty bows anymore. Mom is ok with that cause we have lots and lots of bows. Mommy keeps saying that Bubba will be in school soon I don't like the sound of this!