? ??????????????Sexy Man? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.9 (286 Ratings)??3 Grabs Today. 20516 Total Grabs. ??????P
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Sunday, August 9, 2009

What I am up to these days....

Well, I eat all the time and thankfully I love good foods! I will eat just about anything. I babble talk all the time and I still love Bubba the most! Mommy and Daddy enjoy watching us interact and play together. I am pretty tough and have left Bubba with scratches and knots on his head. I like to chase Rudy around and I love my Baby Dolls. I also love balls. I haven't been sleeping too good but Mommy said it is because of my teeth. I am not a big napper but I do go to bed early usually before 8:00. One word Mommy uses to describe me is busy. Also, she is putting a pic of me on here with my most prized possession- blankie. I carry it all over the house and when they can't find it the house is in a state of panic. I am growing tons of hair it is getting so thick that I can't wear my itty bitty bows anymore. Mom is ok with that cause we have lots and lots of bows. Mommy keeps saying that Bubba will be in school soon I don't like the sound of this!